Maybe I'm leaning on Brian because they all sound real... I'm scared to get hurt. And I know that if I go one more week without him, I'll kill myself. I swore I wouldn't live without him. And I try to keep all my promises. Baby or no baby.
I still have the ring on. And I refuse to ever take it off. I will die in this ring.
...Brian. How am I going to break the news... Talking to Jada today, I realized I will never love Brian. Nobody can replace my Jason... He is the only person I trust with my heart, the only one gentle enough to hold it.
I miss his overprotective traits...every time I complained, I was feeling special and safe. I miss laying my head against his chest and listening to his heart beat. I miss that fading Chicago accent, the one I found absolutely adorable. I miss talking for hours...about everything & anything. I miss falling asleep in his arms.
(Pen fell into soda... Will continue in pencil)
I miss his laugh... I miss singing along to the radio with him. I miss watching him pick on Ginny, and seeing her threaten to shoot me with a Nerf gun if he didn't stop. I miss sitting in his lap, crying, and feeling him hug me ( I miss kissing him... I miss his voice... I miss hearing, "Everything is going to be okay," and, "You are beautiful," and... "I love you."